Our Eyewear Journey Through the Historic Eagles Theatre
If you have taken a trip through Wabash, Indiana, you’ve probably noticed the revitalized downtown, which embraces the rich history of the small town but features modern boutiques, coffee shops and restaurants. One great piece of history is located on Market Street. The Eagles Theatre is preparing for a massive renovation that will bring even more opportunities and options to downtown Wabash for locals and visitors.
Some of our support staff members were lucky enough to go on a private tour of the building in its current state and see the historical artifacts, hear the stories and experience the architecture on its vacant floors. Our stylish, trendy eyewear was a perfect fit for the rustic, peeled wallpaper and vintage movie posters and tickets that we found on our “treasure” hunt through the theatre.
The Eagles Theatre featured its first live performance more than a century ago, in March of 1906. Currently the building has a basement and four floors, with the theatre on the first floor and balconies on the second and third floors. On the fourth floor you can find a beautiful ballroom with hand painted details on a dome ceiling that was once a space for hosting parties and private events. Although these areas are in great need of a facelift, it was in good enough shape for us to be able to close our eyes and imagine how elegant it must have looked like in the early 1900s and what it will look like after the transformation it is about to undergo.
More than a dozen offices were once in use throughout the upper floors and will soon be renovated to host visual and performing arts classes and provide a plethora of educational opportunities to local high school students. The building will be given new life through public and private grants and donations. There will be multiple event spaces, including a fully restored theatre in the basement with dressing rooms.
Eagles Theatre is celebrating the upcoming renovation with building tours, live performances, and movie showings from films released in past decades. Learn more about the renovation here.
We will be featuring our eyewear throughout the next couple months that was photographed on the upper floors of the historic Eagles Theatre. You can follow our journey on Facebook and Instagram through hashtags #lovewhatyousee and #myeagles.
Frames Pictured:
Photo #1 – Men’s: Colorthin by Calvin Klein and Women’s: E200 Series
Photo #2 – Esprit
Photo #3 – Nomad
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